Your Full Service: Vehicle Wrap, Custom Sign and Apparel Experts.

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Racing Stripes for the Chevy Camaro

The vehicle wrap experts at Iconography are proud to have installed these racing stripe graphics for many Chevy Camaro customers in Southern California.

Working directly with Nicholas Chevrolet and other Southern California dealerships, Iconography takes stock Camaros and Corvettes and adds racing stripes to different parts of the body to add an extra touch to the vehicles before the buyer drives it off the lot, or after. We can do the official Camaro, Corvette or other racing stripes, as well as create custom style stripes that will be unique to your vehicle.

We use only the highest quality vehicle wrap vinyls on the market, from trusted manufacturers 3M, Oracal and Avery. All of these companies make high quality vehicle grade vinyls that will last for years with the proper care. The most important thing to do to preserve your vehicle graphics is to keep them clean! Nothing deteriorates custom graphics faster than dirt and debris that is then left to bake into your graphics in the sun. Simply hosing off the graphics and wiping dry with a soft towel or rag will greatly improve the longevity of your graphics.

Are you interested in adding racing stripes to your vehicle? There are many ways to spice up the look of any vehicle. Give us a call today to talk about your next project! 562.424.4353

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